Monday 8 July 2024


Festival Mall, Alabang
06 July 2024

Rd 1 RG Prowess win
Rd 2 Tron loss
Rd 3 Ruby Storm loss
Rd 4 Mono Blue Belcher loss 

I did some minor changes from last week's 75. Things like I added Archmage's Charm. Took out Pyromancer Ascension and replaced it with Roiling Vortex. I lessen my one-casting cost cantrips and added removals and Timely Reinforcements. 

I think I have to dedicate sideboard cards for Tron.

Priceless moment: when opponents are being caught off-guarded with Felidar-Saheeli combo. 

The duo of Roiling Vortex and Aria of Flame is promising. 

Well, this is all for now. 

Thank you for reading!

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