Thursday 22 April 2021


Mono-Red Wizards
Kick Engines MTG's Discord Online Pioneer Tournament
7 April 2021 

RD 1: UB Control 2-0
RD 2: UB Control 2-1
RD 3: Abzan Auras 2-0
RD 4: Niv-Mizzet Bring to Light 2-1
RD 5: UB Control 2-0
Q: Mono Black Aggro 2-0
S: Gruul Aggro 2-1
F: Abzan Auras 2-1

versus UB Control
Game one: Two one-drop creatures, Dreadhorde Arcanist plus one mana valued red cantrip spells dictated the game's phase. The opponent was unable to find any answers. Win.   

Game two: The opponent did manage to eliminate my first squad consisting of two Monastery Swiftspears and a Ghitu Lavarunner. But had no answer later on for my next team: Soul-Scar MageDreadhorde Arcanist, and Ghitu Lavarunners. 

versus UB Control
Game one: One-drop prowess creatures, together with shock spells, dictated the phase of the game. Win.

Game two: His life point total was within two Shock spells away when he started to establish control of the situation. He had counterspells and spot removals for my burn spells and creatures. The opponent soon wins the game through Torrential Gearhulks beatdown.

Game three: I was just a turn away from winning when the opponent used Cry of the Carnarium. From that point on, similar to what happened in game one, he had an answer to every spell or creature I play. I even tried to borrow his 5/6 blue gearhulk beater with Kari Zev's Expertise but was denied by Negate. I drew a Ramunap Ruins on my last turn. Checked our life points - mine: nine opponent: one. Checked the things on my table, four open Mountains. Win. 

versus Abzan Auras
Game one: Unfortunately, the opponent mulled to five cards. The collective effort of Monastery Swiftspear's prowess, Ghitu Lavarunner's +1/+0 extra buff, plus Magmatic Channeler with an extra +3 on it won me the game. 

Game two: I aimed all my burn spells at the opponent's creatures. And by the time he ran out of creatures, that was the only time I started aiming at his life points. Win. 

versus Niv-Mizzet Bring to Light 
Game one: The opponent mulled (less one) and kept a six with removals but a slow hand against burn in general. Magmatic Channeler and Ghitu Lavarunners headed the team's game one victory. 

Game two: The opponent had a lot of removals for my beaters. From Abrupt Decay, Dreadbore, Fatal Push to Extinction Event and Shadow's Verdict. Omnath, Locus of Creation's gain four life points every first landfall eventually won him the game. 

Game three: I was a turn away (again) from winning again when Extinction Event single-handedly wiped my team of one-drop creatures. I untapped all three lands for the turn and drew a Wizard's Lightning. I only had two cards in hand, the bolt spell and a Crash Through. I decided not to cast Crash Through because of fear of not hitting a one-drop wizard card. So I simply pass the turn with a prayer that no gain life shinanigan will take place.    

The opponent summoned an Omnath, Locus of Creation. I checked our life points, mine still at a safe distance while he was at six. I gave the multi-colored 4/4 creature spell a thumbs-up. Now I pray to the angels and saints that he'll have no land drop. The 4/4 hit play and he simply passed the turn back. 

"End of turn Wizard's Lightning you." Bringing his life down to three. I untapped for the turn. Draw - another Wizard's Lightning. Win. 

versus UB Control
Game one: The opponent was down to one when I topdecked a Ramunap Ruins.  Sweet.

Game two: The opponent did not keep that many spot removals. He had no answer to my army of two 1/2 prowess creatures, and a Ghitu Lavarunner

Quarters versus Mono-Black Aggro
Game one: I dedicated all my burn spells to his creatures. Two 1/2 prowess creatures eventually get there. 

Game two was a race between black and red creatures. I had a Wizard's Lightning on hand throughout the game but decided to use it in a later game situation. On my last turn, life points were: mine two and the opponent was eleven. I swung for a combined power of eight plus Wizard's Lightning. Win.    

Misplay: I forgot to include Lavarunner's +1/+0 extra buff on its second swing. That one point could spell the difference between losing and winning. Good thing my red army dealt lethal damage on my next swing.

Semis versus Gruul Aggro 
I forgot what exactly transpired for this round. Plus I cannot find the piece of paper I used to chat down notes. It could have helped me remember things. 

Finals versus Abzan Auras
Game one: End of his turn, Wizard's Lightning him bringing down his life total to four. Shock him on my first main phase. Then swung Dreadhorde Arcanist. Trigger the red zombie wizard's ability targetting a shock spell. Win.

Game two: His Lagonna Band, Trailblaizer reached 10/11 (first strike, flying, and vigilance) that quick. Yikes. He won the race in two swings!  

Game three: Go wide plus all burn spells were aimed at his creatures. Win.


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