Sunday 27 October 2019

October 2019: UR STORM

Pacita, San Pedro, Laguna

Scapeshift Titan
We only had two games, game one was where I experienced drawing lands for seven straight turn. And game two, six consecutive lands. I started to question if having 18 lands is too much for the deck. 

BW control
He made me discard two cards (Wrench Mind). Since our life points then were at around 19 and 17, I did not mind discarding the rituals, Desperate and Pyretic. He then follow up his Wrench Mind with a pair of Surgical Extractions and exiled both of my rituals. I managed to snatch the win from the jaws of defeat via two online Pyromancer Ascensions, Goblin Electromancer, Manamorphoses, cantrips, PIF, and Grapeshot.

I did not imagine I'll see in a BW-shell the combination of Karn, the Great Creator with Gideon planeswalkers (those Gideons that turn into 4/4 and 6/6) and Anguished Unmaking are just some of the amalgam of cards that I can recall. 

UW control
Opponent summoned Rest in Peace then immediately pass the turn. Before untapping for my turn, I pointed to him that he missed RIP's comes into play trigger ability.  It was also in this game that Quicken shines the brightest. Here were the situations that I can remember. First, Quicken to Serum Visions / Sleight of Hand at the end of opponent's turn. Second, giving Pyromancer Ascension its second counter from the Quicken Serum/ Sleight or any sorcery card. Third, winning in his turn. Quicken for Past in Flames into recycling those instant spells then Quicken, again, but this time it's for Grapeshot. Fourth, he cannot use the alternate cost of Force of Negation.

URg Tempo
Another well brewed modern deck by one of Fast Effect's house players. The deck abuses the interaction of As Foretold or Electrodominance with the cards like Ancestral Vision or Crashing Footfalls. The best situation (well that's actually the worst for me) opponent had during the game was when opponent exiled a Simian Spirit Guide into a turn one Electrodominance for zero into Crashing Footfalls. Yes, two 4/4 green trample rhinos were summoned in his turn one.

Boni, Mandaluyong

BW Stoneblade
He summoned a Fatal Push in an attempt to kill my golden goblin and hoped to derail me of my math. But Quicken was there to give an instant speed to Past in Flames then later used the same Quicken card (flashback) to give instant speed to Grapeshot for the win.

Great team effort from Meddling Mages, naming Grapeshot and Past in Flames, plus Thalia guarding my non-creature spells, and Kitesail Freebooter snatching salient pieces from my hand. I could have won the game but I was short of one mana.

Game one: opponent had no answer to an online Pyromancer Ascension. Rituals and morphose into PIF into amassing lethal storm count for Grapeshot, WIN. For game two, I put 10 goblin tokens off Empty the Warrens by second turn. No Plague Engineer. No Maelstrom Pulse. No Engineer Explosives or whatever form of mass removal, I win in two swings. 

I cleaned his board (game one) with Grapeshot then aim for the win the following turn. In game two, opponent tried killing Goblin Electromancer with Whipflare. I responded with Manamorphose, rituals, Quicken, PIF, rituals, Manamorphoses, Thought Scours, Quicken (same card), into lethal Grapeshot. 

Win the game by 2-0.


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