In 1997, Señor
Stompy made it all the way to the top four of that year’s world championships.
In the following year, mono green team booked another ticket back to the top
four in a major US tournament. It was during the same period when the greatest
trading card game was introduced to me. I liked it
immediately not just because how easy it was to learn but on how Hurricane, Giant Growth and Berserk end
things. Every win then, even if it was just playing against my fellow high school buddies along the school corridor, I felt like a rampaging Rogue Elephant. While every loss, a weakling Bear Cub.
Fast-forward. 2007, legacy was in progress of overtaking vintage. In the same year, César Fernández
topped a Legacy Open PT in Valencia, Spain with his, then updated, version of mono green
stompy. I checked his winning list and it was just a few cards away from what I
had: a couple more Berserk, a set of Might of Old Krosa and the Kavu Predator - Invigorate package. This inspired and caused me to dig out my stompy from my place
of oblivion. After its completion, I named it five peso stumpy and started to participate in legacy play test session and sanctioned tournaments. 2008 to 2010,
five peso stumpy took me to numerous top eights. I never regret investing on it
because of the dividends it gave (dual lands, legacy staples and some even as monetary
The arrival of vital cards from Zendikar to
Innistrad blocks that helped reshaped the course of legacy, was also the same
time where my five peso stumpy started to slip its grip in the competitive
scene. Such occurrence forced me to shelve the green team in favor of Bryant
Cook’s creation, The Epic Storm. Even though she is playing the reserved role now, I
make sure that she is always with me in all of my travel abroad and partake in
tournaments whether it be a Friday or Sunday Grand Prix legacy side event, small
legacy tournament or even just doing play test with one of their local players.
Here are some of my memorable games with my beloved deck.
- All second turn wins. Two Forest by second turn +
first turn creature + attack + opponent just takes it like a man because it
will only bite for one or two damages + two
Invigorates + two Berserks equals win.
- That priceless look on my opponent’s face
whenever I cast a Jungle Lion or Scryb Sprites. He’s like, WTF is this?
- The crowd roared when the king of the jungle bailed
me out from a win-and-in situation.
- Force of Will denying Scryb Sprites in some
of my turn ones.
- That moment when Berserk became my removal without doubling his damage at me.
- Kavu Predator and Batterskull became best
- And lastly, Skarrgan Pit-Skulk single-handedly wins
the game against their lone big man on the table (Progenitus, Griselbrand and Emrakul,Aeon of Torn).
Nowadays whenever I am with my beloved deck in a
tournament, winning the entire event is not my primary goal for I know that it
is next to impossible because of their superior power level. But to remember,
and experience, that good old feeling again where every win feels like a
rampaging Rouge Elephant. While every
loss is like a weakling Bear Cub.
-Rafael Lagasca
Paeng4983 in various legacy
FB: Paeng Paeng
6214089146*SFM, why are you on my cover?
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